
Monday, February 10, 2014

Heinrich Ibsen Biography

Heinrich was born into a wealthy merchant family in a sm entirely seaside town. However, his fathers fortunes soon faltered and the family was forced to declare bankruptcy. The privation and poor schooling of his early grades left-hand(a) a perdurable impression on Ibsen, fostering a rebellious, warlike and yobbo attitude. Flouting social conventions, which would become a theme throughout his life, stripling Ibsen began engaging in practical jokes, drunkeness, gambling, and sex, and fathering an illegimate child at 18. Norway had salutary recently become an independent country and Heinrich create a patriotic fervor that led him to write verse suck and become involved in politics. While studying for his University invade in exams, he composed his first play. His exams and his play were both(prenominal) disappointments. He then joined an underground revolutionary assemblage which was tough up by the goernment, an experience that disabused him from semipolitical fig ht for the remainder of his life. He continued to write and encipher into the literary circles of the Norse capital that allowed him to catch the attention of a famous violinist who helped Ibsen obtain a position as a theatre poet and director in Bergen. The 21 year sexagenarian would spend the next 10 years tell over 150 plays, first at Bergen and later for the Norwegian Theater, during which time he married and had a son. The plays that he wrote were all failures and about people felt he would be a comely playwright at best. When the Norwegian Theatre went bankrupt, Ibsen cut back into despair and turned to drink, contempt having to nutriment his family. He had enjoyed succeeder with bingle play, but his unemployment, despair and disappointment over Norways failure to support the Danes in war, led Ibsen to leave Norway and live in europium for the next thirty years. In Italy he wrote Brand, which became much(prenominal) a success that the government awarded him a s mall bonus for life. With his financial pr! essures eased, Ibsen devoted himself to writing, producing a steady stream of plays, many another(prenominal) of which were meant to be read rather than staged. His reputation grew in Norway despite his absence and he finally achieved European fame with plays that tackled social problems such(prenominal) as womens rights and veneral disease, angering the conservatives of the time. Ibsen, in his later years, became increasingly aloof and isolated, seldom be social functions or cultivating friendships (which he viewed as a pricy luxury). In 1891, at the age of 63, he returned to Norway and was greeted as a national figure. However his success did not count to occupy him. The plays of his later period express a backbone of regret about devoting his life to art at the outgo of his individualised relationships (or lack thereof). He suffered a stroke in 1901 that left him debilitated for the next five years until his wipeout in 1906. If you w ant to get a full essay, put up it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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