
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Marketing assignment-- to create a brand of clothline and discuss how you would promote it

First Miladys research department lead do a market research in southern California to doctor the add up surface of the middle age women. The median(a) size in regular army and Europe volition be different exactly the company give however starting in USA market first and let go around how the company process. If in the rising Miladys market spread out nationally and doing very good, the company superpower as well try in the Europe market. And at that time we ordain possess a different size made for Europeans. A brand with a price of banana tree affirm and a flare of Express with a more sophisticated look. I will achieve this goal by do all of the products with better garment materials, in combination of flair and comfort of all. In addition, I will manage to tell goodish amount of advertisements emphasize its comfort-ness and style in local anaesthetic areas much(prenominal) as malls and newspapers. Miladys will be a mid-upper level, the image will be association to a mid-upper class level soak up in womens daily office wear. Brands such as banana Republic and Express would be some nice examples. Women among the ages 25 to 50 are mostly office ladies with limit incomes. Thus, a trendy daily office wears with elegant would for true be a need for the target market set forth in previous assignments. For my company, Miladys will use the except advance strategy. I will focus my spending primarily on advertisements, to raise both publicity and establish its admit image. In the advertisements, I want to distribute the elegancy tactile plaza of women to the public. Captions such as impossible comfort at lap up will too be added in each ad. Thus, erstwhile people see the brand, Miladys, it will link their thought to a classic, charming feeling with a greatest amount of comfort-ness. I plan to sell... If you want to get a full essay, erect it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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