
Friday, February 7, 2014


AP U.S. History Mr. Jones Chapter 25 Multiple Choice Worksheet Make the outgo choice. 1. The hugely rapid growth of American cities in the post-Civil warfare decades was a) uniquely American b) fueled by an agricultural dodging suffering from wretched production levels c) attributable to the closing of the bourn d) a trend that modify Europe as sound e) a result of natural reproduction 2. The major(ip) factor in drawing country people by the farms into the big cities was a) the using of the skyscraper b) the availability of industrial jobs c) the compact personality of those large communities d) the approaching of new housing structures known as locoweed tenements e) the invite of cultural excitement 3. One of the early symbols of the first faint of consumerism in urban America was a) the development of f actories b) the Sears catalog c) advert billboards d) overt transportation systems e) the rise of large department stores 4. Which of the pastime has the least in common with the other four? a) slums b) dumbbell tenements c) chamber communities d) flophouses e) the Lung Block 5. The New Immigrants who came to the U.S. after 1880 a) had experience with pop governments b) were many but never constituted a majority of the immigrants in any given year c) were culturally divergent from previous immigrants d) authentic a warm welcome from the superannuated Immigrants e) represented nonwhite racial groups Page 2. 6. Most Italian immigrants to the U.S. among 1880 and 1920 came to escape a) semipolitical oppression b) famine c) the politic al vector decomposition of their country ! d) the military draft e) the poverty and slow modernisation of Confederate Italy 7. A bird of...If you want to get a dear essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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