
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What the governemnt on 1984 did to control Winston's thoughts.

Dmitriy Simonoff         Past totalitarian nations have come to top executive director without admitting to themselves their on-key cause for coming to place. Ruling goernments in the gone took over nations saying that they want to take function to contribute it tail end to the people, in the novel 1984, by George Orwell, the persuasion body is self-importance proclaimed, The caller, which has one motive for everything they do, agent, and to keep this berth to themselves to achieve immortality. The track record describes what true power is, power over mind non matter. The political party currently take holds the past, present, and proximo and precisely wants to comptroller more, and the only thing left to control is tender-hearted judgements. With all of the ships companys technology, workers, and order they do not know how to control the mind. Thus lacking(p) in their goal almost completely because, as OBrien mentions, power over matter is not n early as of import as having power over human thought and the human mind. Everything throughout the book is based on a reoccurring idea of power, which the ruling companionship defines. The concept of power is obscure to the vulgar citizen which has not yet been enlightened to the paths of the Party. To the Party power is an ultimate goal; power is what makes them immortal. To reach their goal of immortality the Party refers to the only immortal one, G-d. G-d had absolute power over people, and it is what the Party wants to achieve: to control their thoughts, actions, beliefs, workings, and everything else. Thus the Party believes that the only direction to have real power is to dumbfound both sides of it. In the eyes of the Party the shin for matter has been won, while the agitate for control of the mind has just begun.         Everything throughout the book... If you want to pay back a full essay, order it on our webs ite: Or! derEssay.net

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