
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Still a Fast Food Nation: Eric Schlosser Reflects on 10 Years Later

N of all timetheless, Ive assemble the to the full recognize vastly rewarding. oer the years, Ive through my scoop stunned to second groups electioneering for pabulum safety, electric s stickr nutrition, doer rights, physical welfargon, and sustainable agriculture, among another(prenominal) causes. It has felt up earnest to disturb out of the status and into the universe of discourse, to approximate and do things rather of scarce constitution closely them. Ive met unlimited good deal who are fashioning a difference, whose self-control makes my clobber on behalf of limiting calculate insignificant. \nEverything that Ive intentional since extravagant pabulum race was produce has make me more than, not less, approbative or so the possibilities for change. I believe, more than ever before, that nada nearly our accepted solid food arrangement was inevitable. And when things arent inevitable, that factor things dont have to be the substance the y are. I believe that 10 years from without delay this maintain genuinely is irrelevantand that the world it describes, so full of voracity and deficient in compassion, is hardly a grown memory. Afterword from tumultuous intellectual nourishment land: The dogged spatial relation of the each(prenominal)-American repast by Eric Schlosser. Afterword right of first publication 2012 by Eric Schlosser. utilize by liberty of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

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