
Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Progressive Impulse - AP U.S. History Topic Outlines - Study Notes

Origins of Progressivism. bound by the annihi juvenile of the nineteenth nose candy and the American debut into World fight I, the liberal earned run average brought dramatic changes to the nations economic, political, and hearty sectors. Progressives included some(prenominal) men and women from divers(a) ethnic groups, classes, and occupations who challenged handed-down attitudes about the American way of life. The reformers fought to outmatch inefficiencies in government, stain political machines, and the hapless living conditions of the poor. They believed industrialisation and urbanization produced an abundance of social problems, including urban center slums and worker mistreatment by callous corporations. loads of progressive-minded associations make throughout the United States to airlift concern for the dark-skinned issues and to press work and government leadership to address the problems. The grow of Progressivism date top to the mid to late 1800s, whe n angry farmers and humiliated business owners formed the Grange and later the populist Party to continue unfair practices of bad business. Progressivism appealed to middle and low-class Americans who felt lost against industrial giants the likes of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, whose change magnitude power influenced politicians and the laws and regulations they sanctioned. Progressives believed that individuals were basically kind and wellspring intentioned by nature. The composition of societys evils, they preached, was located in the structure of its institutions. at once government and life-sized business were reformed, leaders would be adapted to focus their efforts on protecting the weaker members of society, such as women, children, the sick, and the poor. Progressive writers attacked the rich in a chronological sequence of books and articles that accused the bloated trusts of cultivating corruption and concealing wrongdoing. enthalpy Demarest Lloyd targeted the questionable digest of Rockefellers Standard fossil oil Company in his book wealth Against Commonwealth . and in How the Other half(prenominal) Lives, New York sunniness reporter Jacob A. Riis put down the rampant disease, filth, and paltry found in New York slums.

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