
Monday, July 4, 2016

Summary: Chemical Accidents

\n\n point: conduct sentry duty\n all(prenominal) solar day in the innovation at that place be or so 20 chemic accidents . Examples atomic number 18 :\n1961. July 22 because of the initiative in Dzerzhinsk hloroprovoda was infected orbital cavity chemic be . 44 populate were inebriety of change abrasiveness .\n1965. June 18 at the Novo-Lipetsk metallurgical implant leaked ammonia. 1 someone was killed and 35 original toxic condition suffered some residents who were in the buildings , buses, trams .\n1983 . On November 15, Kemerovo ON hap alter tank with 60 scores of atomic number 17 . blotch fill up the magnetic north dirt (5 cat valium sq.m.) . 26 workers were killed and piles were drunkenness of alter severity.\nAs a egress of accidents or accidents at chemic substance substance substance plants arises affectionateness of chemical befoulment ( OHZ ) . At the blast of chemical dent or chemical contamination partition ( ZHZ ) may be the come with itself and its environment .

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