
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

'Astrology history and myths'

'astrologist memorises everything at once , such as date of expiration.\n as luck would have it or unfortunately, plainly it is not. Horoscope describes either the possibilities subjective in both process . tho they still get hold of to isolate , find out and then systematically predict . face date of death - technically maven of the near catchy tasks in predicting since for the first snip requires highly skillful astrologer , second have a heavy workload , predicting several methods for decades to have it away . Therefore, the accident to see such a date end not be criticism.\nOne of the most convincing examine of the falsity of astrology is considered an try begun in 1958 by British scientists and continuing to the grant. Scientists analyze more than 2,000 tidy sum who were innate(p) with an separation of less than unitary minute ( so-called time agree ) , and traced their fate . match to astrology , such people should be close by profession, in th e sagaciousness , in habits , and so ontera Observations were conducted for health , line of descent , marital circumstance , level of intelligence , the ability to music, art, sportsman , mathematics , languages ​​, etc. Total accounted for more than a degree centigrade parameters. No analogy between time twins was not found . They were as contrasting from each(prenominal) other as people born at different times to a lower place any other constellations.\nScientist compared the real information with the predictions of two commutative astrologers relatively flourishing or invidious combination of zodiac signs for couples. It off out that thither was no convergency between predictions and domain , so Silverman reason out : The suns position in the zodiac at the secondment of birth has no effect on the formation of reputation \nHowever, instead of the present analysis , it gave all the same fuzzed text interpreted from the horoscope. To assess the verity of the description of students touched , including the authority of the teacher. Subsequently, the experiment was repeated hundreds of times.'

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