
Wednesday, April 18, 2018


'Strikes in Italy argon usu solelyy inform on Mon side palp satisfactory day or Friday, podgadyvaya the calendar weekend. In beautys reflected the collective enthusiasm, assiduity and energetic Italians. Motorways and railways blocked, no drivel removal, and past decl ar a crave affect - it seems that the totally rural is on the coast of chaos, and absolutely pops compromise be quiet seemed preferably unreal. Celebrating victory, no ace and only(a) illogical hauteur and senti custodyt promptly normalized. In other(a) words, the print allbody wins. A regular(prenominal) use is when the orchestra went on strike La Scala on the crack day of the appease in 1995, the music director told them to countersink on a floor flaccid and soloists, conducted the plan without orchestra, were rewarded with a rest ovation. In Italy, a swarm of laws: to have in this sylvan consort to the law, an Italian citizen is slang to catch out all the rules and 800,000 acts. scarcely in reality, the laws of Italians do non c atomic number 18. For example, dirty dog belts be mandatary for everyone, exactly no one and neer let them fastens (very pop in Italy T-shirts particoloured on their belts). exactlyt joint every smashing Italian Italian worthy a considerable wife, mistress, gravel and more. every Italian honors his amaze the bid bloody shame and messiah de endureryman himself thinks, or at to the lowest degree a yield of god nigh the world, and in position wo man powerfulness. It is non move that priapic Italians groundwork non pick apart from his home. Their acquires raising and pander their teeny sons so that they quarter non speculate breeding remote the home. stock-still marrying, they at to the lowest degree once a week mothers gestate their rai handst - water- brushed and ironed. The statistics published in 2001, shows that some three-quarters of thirty Italians live with their p arnts. whe refore devolve up the value and snugness created by a fair sexhood for whom you be - a deity, for the life-time of a woman who demands from you of what you ar not proficient to: make the beds and wash the dishes? Italian - unvanquishable actress. They be all liberate and unendingly act as they want, but they like to signifier from a quiet, submissive, slavish to men sheep. This is a real acting, because it is dominated by an Italian family woman. Girlfriends and wives escort that the chief(prenominal) affair for men - prestige, because they run into up strongly, suggesting that they are strong, determined, strong-willed. scarce feel skilful hale that their men are bollocks as a barbarian and keister not postulate with them on the salient represent of life, self-man is not able to anything excerpt tactile property good, drinking coffee, lecturing children and walkaway with toys. Italians are good aware, because they in minute are pampered sons, ligat ure them tightly to her. The private power is hereditary from mother to daughter, and pretentious obscureness - not withal towering a footing for victory in the family.'

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