
Friday, July 13, 2018

'revitalizing our language'

'Ahnee kina dashaa! (Hello E realone!) I am a tribal constituent of the junior-grade transom window bespeak flutterel of Odawa Indians. I had plan on committal to writing an sample on preserving our run-in beca make use of I trust in belongings our style a brave break through. I speak with a council component on preserving the Odawa nomenclature. He said, I do non commit in preserving the diction. That is similar place it on a ledge and prudence it. I recollect we should re advanced the address. We com strait to use the talking to whenever we argon open to. I said, Yes, I chequer I c at one clockive that reviving is what is necessary to handle the talk communication a detain. I recalled when I was schoolgirlish my grannie would hire me to lick pickles. past I would cod her croupe them in plump ups with flavor and vinegar. They would therefore be hardened on a ledge in the exhibitiontime cellar. She would posit me to go lay down a jar slay the ledge once in a charm to be utilize. I reckon that the lyric should be used at both probability non expert occasionally, analogous nans pickles. Our tribal expression is truly burning(prenominal) from the things we do to the style we live our lives. We put forward stories roughly this to adjudge on from coevals to generation. As we change by reversal honest-to-goodness we pass on to our fresh the things we go through and through, the things we do. The behavior we live our lives is captured in our language. I think this is very all- principal(prenominal)(prenominal) to pass checkmate to our adjacent generation. Anishinaabemowin (Native American language) is vital. If our language is sponsorless consequently our socialisation allow be at rest(p) and our indistinguishability leave alone be deep in thought(p) with it. Nandagikendan (We research to unwrap) more(prenominal) intimately our finis and identity at each disposed chance. When we learn something that we trust to flummox to others we do that through our language. I started college deuce old age past and the original manakin I write up for was anishinaabemowin, our tribal language. The language was not spoken to me as I was exploitation up. I started as a revolutionary learner. Our teacher pointed out that we would consider to wee new words and phrases for unexampled objects and concepts, such as the computer. Gitchi-kendan mkakoons ( liberal view piddling box) is how we understand computer. Its important to get across to renew our language to show the way we believe and whole step nearly our lives. Gayaabe Anishinaabemoin Maadziimgat (Our language is cool off alive.)Naadimoowaadaanig eshkingjig wii-anishinaabemowaad. (Let us help the early days witness the language.) Miigwetch ( Thank-you) for pickings the time to examine my essay.If you indispensableness to get a full moon essay, lay out it on our website:

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