
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nursing In New Zealand

nurse in New Zealand History Essay Nursing curiously in New Zealand, has changed significantly over the support decades and leave continue to grow in the future. A well-known(a) nurse, bloody shame Lambie dedicated her whole life to forethought for. Throughout her career, she strove to improve care for education and was dedicated to the upbeat of nurses. Mary Lambie was born on 26th October 1889 in Christchurch. She graduated from Christchurch Hospital in 1913 as a Nurse. This was just the embark on of her successful career. (Lambie, 1966) Her first patronage was as a take aim nurse in Christchurch with the cultivation Department in 1918. In 1931, when the Napier earthquake occurred, the Department of wellness recognized her superior friendship and organisational skills that meant she was appointed to oversee the exigency re-organisation. In 1932, Mary Lambie became director of the Division of Nursing, Department of wellness (OConner, 2010, p.69), a positio n she held until she retired in 1950 and received the CBE. Even though she retired from nursing, she continued to work on many projects. Mary Lambie invariably had the desire to improve the standards of nursing education. (Widdowson, 1976) Mary became aware from her inspections of nursing schools that trainee nurses needed to take for some(prenominal) preliminary instruction in basic nursing (Widdowson, 1976, p.43). In 1933, the preliminary period for nurses, got change magnitude a boost three months and was enforced by the Nurses and Midwives Act. This was receivable to nurses having no acquaintance of basic nursing procedures and needed to have an understanding of how to anticipate cross infections. (Widdowson, 1976) Mary was always refer about the wellbeing and wellness of nurses. The lack of health supervision in hospitals, poke out Mary to suggest regulating and standardising for the examination of nurses. She also realize that no acceptable records were kept of nurses health or the hours they work! ed. administration failed in carrying out health checks. Improvements...If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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