
Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Philosophy of Marriage Among the Meta People of Cameroon

UNIVERSITY OF BAMENDA, CAMEROON DEPARTMENT OF ism TERM PAPER ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF spousal race AMONG THE META PEOPLE OF CAMEROON BY IJANG BIH NGYAH NOVEMBER 2010 INTRODUCTION A man will bequeath his father and mother and be united to his wife and the ii will become unity (Ephesians 5:31).It is an occasion of joyfulness in the society to becharm a man and a woman coming unneurotic in holy matrimony. brotherhood is a relationship between one or to a greater extent hands (male or female) and one or more women (female or male) The Oxford go on Learners Dictionary defines wedding as a levelheaded relationship between a husband and a wife2.For the African, marriage is a combination of dickens lives, families, and sometimes even two communities. The nub of man and woman is the celebration of the natural doggedness of biography. An African proverb holds that A man without a wife is manage a vast without flowers3Philosophy on the other glide by is popularly downstairsstood as a persons or a group of persons place to life4 Philosophy comes from two Greek haggle philia inwardness heat and sophia meaning wisdom thus philosophy is the love of wisdom .Meta is a tribe in the magnetic northeasterly westward Region of Cameroon located about 35km to the North double-u of Bamenda. It is situated on the western highlands of Cameroon which essentially a volcanic plateau is offering a landscape towering up to 2100metres. The major economic activities of the citizenry include farming, petty affair and handicraft. The most common language used by the wad is their mother tongue which is the Meta language catalogued in the Atlas Linguistique du Cameroon (ALCAM) chthonic No 6845.Today unlike the pre-colonial era, the indigenous traditional marriage scheme exist in conjunction with civil and Christian nuptial practices. The major pre occupation of this paper is to examine what marriage is to a Meta man and how significant this institution is to him. Most of the informati! on in this work has been gotten from primary sources through interviews....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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